Saturday, August 29, 2009

Gold Seasons

September, November, and December still retained the top three spots for the best calendar months for gold.

Friday, August 28, 2009

William Samuel quote

AWARENESS is the WHO I am, the WHAT I am, the WHY I Am--and that identity is not a human one, not a worldly one, not a sick, sinning, ignorant or quarreling one but the HOLY WHOLE SINGLE ONLY ONE, AND THAT AM I!

Awareness is our identity and awareness functioning is ever effortless, ever going about its business of seeing, hearing, feeling and including thoughts all within itself just as it is about the business of seeing print on this page at the moment.

Much of the effort goes out of our daily affairs the instant we expand our sense of identity from the body-point from which "things" are observed, to awareness doing the observing. As this expanded identity the body-point is not excluded but seen as the central point within an infinite identification that includes all "body-points" within itself. This grander identity looks on human intellectuality and knows that it pertains only to the body-point and its relationships with all the images. It sees that the Intelligence beyond intellectuality is its own Self-knowledge of singleness, aloneness, wholeness, oneness. It sees that intellectuality can only know Isness indirectly, via qualities and attributes. But, identified as awareness, we know "God" directly as God's Self-awareness. As awareness, we know as God knows Himself to be. We see with the Eye by which we are seen. So, we live this "child of God" that we are already, and we live it without effort, without struggle, and most wonderfully, without inhibitions.

Alf Fields

Major ONE up from $256 to $1,015 (actually 4 times the $255 low);
Major TWO down from $1015 to $699, say $700 (a decline of 31%);
Major THREE up from $700 to $3,500 (a Fibonacci 5 times the $500 low);
Major FOUR down from $3,500 to $2,500 (a 29% decline);
Major FIVE up from $2,500 to
$10,000 (also a 4 fold increase, same as ONE)

I have noticed from the emails that I receive that many people are using these reports to guide their trading activities in gold. I have had no objection to this in the past, but feel that it would be foolish to trade gold in the circumstances of the Big Kahuna crisis that we are living though at the moment. It has become a question of individual financial survival in an environment where things are happening more rapidly and with increasing violence. I feel very strongly that it is time to quietly hold onto one's gold insurance and not attempt to trade it. I do not wish to provide interim levels that may cause people to be encouraged to trade their gold to skim a few extra fiat dollars or other currencies, but lose their gold as a result.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Superficial Investments

It is not just that placing value on appearances, plastic surgery, expensive watches or cars bring no social value. They actually bring negative social value. Why? Because your social value to others comes about from you internal love, joy, confidence and value in yourself. If you love yourself and have fun with yourself, others will have fun with you and enjoy your company. If you are not good company to yourself you will not be good company to others.

If I place value in my external appearances, it is a statement to the world that I am not confident and valuable in myself. It is a way of trying to impress others. If you try to impress others it is the most unimpressive thing you can do. You only try to impress others when you do not impress yourself.

Ask yourself this, who would you like to invite to your party? Someone who is fun, happy, confident and a joy to be around, or someone who is going around trying to impress others with their plastic surgery, status or possessions?

amppoi = warung

They are both the same 2 gb files.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Bob Janjuah at Royal Bank of Scotland

Bob Janjuah at Royal Bank of Scotland has been calling the market correctly.

Seasonal gold chart:

gold seasonal

Tuesday, August 11, 2009


A hypnotist puts a subject under and tells him that he is deaf in his right ear. The subject then actually cannot hear from his right ear. This is the power of beliefs. The subject is given a post hypnotic suggestion that he will be unable to hear from his right ear and that he has had this condition since he was five years old.

A few days later at a dinner party he asks someone he is talking with to sit to his left as he cannot hear out of his right ear. How did you lose hearing in your right ear he is asked. "Oh, I was out hunting with my dad when I was five and his gun went off right next to my ear and I've been deaf in that ear since then."

His mind immediately created a backstory to justify what it believed.

Similarly smokers believe they need cigarettes and have no problem creating a backstory to explain it. It relieves stress, helps keep my weight down, relaxes me etc. None of that is true, it is just a backstory of a mind which believes it needs cigarettes.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Wanting "what is" is satisfaction

If God is all-powerful then by definition whatever happens is God's Will. In a contest between my will and God's will, God's will wins every time. God's Will is the only thing that happens unless there is some power more powerful than God's will and if there was that being would be God.

Therefore the only solution is to surrender to God's Will.

The mind is nothing but problems/desires. You only think about what you desire. When thoughts arise your sense of joy goes down, then when you get what you want the mind rests and you experience the joy of your natural state without the mind. You think you experience joy because you got what you wanted but that is an illusion. Really it was just having the mind rest that brought the joy.

The clever mind finally realizes it wants the joy of the natural state. But the natural state cannot happen with the mind active in it's quest. The quest for happiness is misery, because the thoughts trying to bring it about are the very things preventing it.

Finally with great insight the mind rests in "only don't know". There is the realization that you have always had everything you have always wanted without desires/thoughts. You are what you wanted when you stop wanting it. There is total surrender to what is. More than that, there is total love for what is, rapturously embracing the eternal now as your soulmate.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Then what do you do to be happy?

If you can't become happy only be happy what steps can someone take?

First of all intention. You can have the intention to get this area of your life handled.
Second awareness. You can observe the habits you have that create unhappiness.

What are some fundamental observations here?

One observation is that you can notice that when you don't get what you want unhappiness usually results. Is the answer to somehow manipulate the world into providing you with everything you want? Or is it to learn to want exactly what you have? One requires changing the entire world, the other requires changing yourself. You decide which is easiest.

If you have decided it is easier to manipulate the world to provide all your wants (as most people have) then your work is cut out for you.

If you have decided it is easier to just change yourself, then you must start with your beliefs. First of all we must be aware of them. Most of them are usually unconscious. Next we must realize we are not our beliefs. These two processes, being aware of them and realizing we are not them will work together to take us a long way.

Another thing that will be a big help is to be clear about what you want.
Bottom line:
1). Know who you are (which is not your beliefs, thoughts or images of yourself).
2). Want what you have and have what you want!

In other words love everyone and do what you want. It's not just that you should do what you want when you can. It's that you must do what you want as long as it doesn't harm others.

This requires great clarity. When you are clear there is no conflict. I want to go swimming but I also want to go to a film. This is conflicted unhappiness. When you are clear you go to the film or go swimming fully engaged, not wanting to be somewhere else.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Dependency vs. Inner Radiance

"The more you depend on conditions outside of yourself for happiness, the less happiness you will experience." - Yogananda

"The more you search for happiness the less happiness you feel and need to search even more."
- Tarthang Tulku

"You can't get happy, you can only be happy." Steve Ross

"The more you depend on situational value (appearance, position, ownership of things) the less inner value
you own." Anonymous

Monday, August 3, 2009

Serious Source Solutions

Serious — All our mistakes come from taking things too serious.
Source — Be your own source of happiness, not trying to get it from outside of you.
Solutions — Look for solutions rather than focus on problems.
Perfect — You don't have to be perfect and neither do others.
Matter — What is out there does not matter. Your happiness is what matters.
Changing Beliefs — If you think someone out there needs changing then your beliefs need changing.
Context — If something is upsetting look at the context. Do you believe you are the luckiest person alive?
Dependency — If you are dependent on others to like you and make you feel happy you lack clarity.
Expectations — Expectations are one of the main causes of misery.

Imagination — Imagination does not just create what happens to us, it is what happens to us.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

How does one reach ultimate awareness?

From David Hawkins:
'When the mind grows silent, the thought "I Am" also disappears, and Pure Awareness shines forth to illuminate what one is, was, and always will be, beyond all worlds and all universes, beyond time, and therefore without beginning or end.

People wonder, "How does one reach this state of awareness," but few follow the steps because they are so simple.

First, the desire to reach that state was intense.Then began the discipline to act with constant and universal forgiveness and gentleness, without exception. One has to be compassionate towards everything, including one's own self and thoughts.

Next came a willingness to hold desires in abeyance and surrender personal will at every moment. As each thought, feeling, desire, or deed was surrendered to God, the mind became progressively silent. At first, it released whole stories and paragraphs, then ideas and concepts. As one lets go of wanting to own these thoughts, they no longer reach such elaboration and begin to fragment while only half formed.

Finally, it was possible to turn over the energy behind thought itself before it even became thought.

The task of constant and unrelenting fixity of focus, allowing not even a moment of distraction from meditation, continued while doing ordinary activities. At first, this seemed very difficult, but as time went on, it became habitual, automatic, requiring less and less effort, and finally, it was effortless. The process is like a rocket leaving the earth. At first, it requires enormous power, then less and less as it leaves the earth's gravitational field, and finally, it moves through space under its own momentum.

Suddenly, without warning, a shift in awareness occurred and the Presence was there, unmistakable and all encompassing. There were a few moments of apprehension as the self died, and then the absoluteness of the Presence inspired a flash of awe.This break-through was spectacular, more intense than anything before. It has no counterpart in ordinary experience. The profound shock was cushioned by the love that is with the Presence. Without the support and protection of that love, one would be annihilated.

There followed a moment of terror as the ego clung to its existence, fearing it would become nothingness. Instead, as it died, it was replaced by the Self as Everythingness, the All in which everything is known and obvious in its perfect expression of its own essence. With nonlocality came the awareness that one is all that ever was or can be. One is total and complete, beyond all identities, beyond all gender, beyond even humanness itself. One need never again fear suffering and death.

The fundamental understanding is:

You can't get happy, you can only be happy.

The nature of reality

Happiness= Reality — expectations