Sunday, August 9, 2009

Wanting "what is" is satisfaction

If God is all-powerful then by definition whatever happens is God's Will. In a contest between my will and God's will, God's will wins every time. God's Will is the only thing that happens unless there is some power more powerful than God's will and if there was that being would be God.

Therefore the only solution is to surrender to God's Will.

The mind is nothing but problems/desires. You only think about what you desire. When thoughts arise your sense of joy goes down, then when you get what you want the mind rests and you experience the joy of your natural state without the mind. You think you experience joy because you got what you wanted but that is an illusion. Really it was just having the mind rest that brought the joy.

The clever mind finally realizes it wants the joy of the natural state. But the natural state cannot happen with the mind active in it's quest. The quest for happiness is misery, because the thoughts trying to bring it about are the very things preventing it.

Finally with great insight the mind rests in "only don't know". There is the realization that you have always had everything you have always wanted without desires/thoughts. You are what you wanted when you stop wanting it. There is total surrender to what is. More than that, there is total love for what is, rapturously embracing the eternal now as your soulmate.

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